Let's start a pool. Let's set the over/under on her first post to 700 words. Any takers?
First post right here. You lose.
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
Let's start a pool. Let's set the over/under on her first post to 700 words. Any takers?
First post right here. You lose.
can anyone tell the story of john o groh?
ray and the wts mention him as a society director and member of the early 1970s governing body..
I googled him. He has a page on the Polish language wikipedia. It doesn't say much.
Born 3 July 1906 in Kulm, North Dakota. Died 23 January 1975 in New York City. Baptised in 1934. Pioneered with his wife, Helen, in Pennsylvania. In 1953 he started serving at Bethel, and in 1965 he became a board member for the WT Society. In 1971 he ascended to the GB along with the rest of the existing board members. Died before he could see Armageddon come in the autumn of 1975.
seriously i have no idea what is going on or why.
because of my situation at home i have not been watching the news for the past two months or so.
but i keep catching glimpses about some sort of french war in africa.
I just see it as another example of what happens when you impose synthetic boundaries on former colonies or protectorates. They end up containing all sorts of different ethnic and lingual groups, united only by the colonial lingua franca. Mali has an obtuse shape to it, almost as it were contrived to fit some as yet unknown purpose. The peoples of the south might have been better served by sharing a state with their ethnic brothers in neighbouring countries, with the tribes of the north in some sort of Saharan confederation. Instead you have weak and corrupt central governments propped up by their former benafactors, with practically every African country having some sort of separatist war going on right now. I know France has better things to do and can't have too many interests in Mali worth sending troops for, so the motive is sincere I believe. But sooner or later these interventionist wars have to come to an end, the boundaries reset according to ethnic, lingual, and religious divides, and let the natural order of things take place. I hate to sound like such a social Darwinist, but Africa is a mess and propping up these corrupt rulers and fighting their wars for them might be perpetuating the problem.
That story is simply disgusting. Not only do they not disfellowship him, but send him off with a special pioneer stipend, ostensibly to enable him to keep his silence. They should have called the police. But no, a scandal like that might have hurt the donations that were pouring in.
my sister in law has been shunned by the family since she da'd herself at the age of 18 and moved out of the house.
i always insisted that my wife keep in contact with her and made sure she knew she had a soft place to land,with us, should she need it.
even at the risk of it getting us in hot water with the pioneer,elder,bethelite family members there was no way we were going to let her disappear into the wild blue yonder on her own.
The 'House of the Princes' houses nothing of the sort today. It's all but a relic now of a purposefully forgotten time in JW history. No one knows of it except ex-JWs, ex-JWs to be, Bethel higher-ups, and old-timers. I tried to tell my mother about it, but she always shut me off and told me I was listening to apostate lies. It was only a temporary home for 'Brother Rutherford' and others due to their busy travel schedules. They're so conditioned to tune out anything critical to their religion that's it's impossible to talk to them.
just wanted to make some information available for newer ones.
i am a born-in third generation ( or is it one overlapping generation..i get so confused) and i had no idea these court transcripts even existed until almost 2 years ago.
i don't want to assume that you have read these.
The tragedy about the Walsh case is that they couldn't have confronted Rutherford or Russell about their lies before their deaths. Instead, Covington and Franz had to cover for them and their prophetic musings. I almost felt sorry for him having to try and defend that.
regarding the governing bodys new light relative to matthew 24:45-47, anointedjw.org recently said the following:.
this new light certainly poses a problem for the governing body.
perhaps this is another reason why they have not yet published a sober and scriptural xplanation of this new light.
The only way I understand the reasoning behind their madness is that these are men who are not used to people questioning their wisdom. In fact, their knee-jerk reaction is to immediately brand anyone who questions them as an apostate or being spiritually weak. They say what they want with no thoughts of the possible consequences, much like a spoiled child.
i don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
The Malvinas were never an apt analogy for sparking off a world war. Argentina's strongest supporters at the time were Peru and Gaddafi's Libya. Israel also gave covert technical support due to Menachem Begin's past animosity with the British in Palestine. The only thing that would have caused a worldwide conflict in 1982 would have been a Soviet intervention, which was even more unlikely due to their involvement in Afghanistan.
I've read some British military experts sound off on how hopeless a new Falklands War would be for Britain. I think yes and no. The yes would be that they have no aircraft carriers they could use to mount a similar taskforce as they did in 1982. The no would be the brazen fact and monstrosity that is the Mount Pleasant RAF base. It is known locally as the 'Death Star', and has corridors that are kilometres long. It is heavily fortified with an estimated 1000 British troops. It would take an Argentine landing (under heavy British fire no doubt), airstrikes, and a prolonged land/air/water siege of the entire complex and its port. That's just not going to happen.
scenecoco rocha is a devout jehovahs witnesslilian asante | jan 17, 2013 2:10 pm et | last updated: jan 17, 2013 5:20 pm et.
more from lilian asante.
dan steinberg/the associated presscoco rocha has revealed she is a devout jehovah's witness.
I didn't see the body paint ones when I started the other thread. For someone who claims that her 'boobs are not hanging out', these are more than just out. They are out and fully exposed, covered only by a layer of body paint. Nothing wrong with having a sexy figure and showing it, but for a religion that frowns upon women wearing trousers to their meetings, you'd have to imagine that there were more than a few meetings about this in the back room. Of course they don't mind that she has a million dollar contract with Versace, so as long as her donations are appropriate to her wealth.
Does anyone read this shit? How many times do we have to hear about these fucking classes and professors?